Taipei outdoor gear and camping stores are plentiful and an area near the train station has a few shops where you may find what you need. These shops include gear, clothing, and footwear for the person looking for name or local brands.
Click here for outdoor & camping stores in Kaohsiung and Taichung City.
The corner of Zhong Shan North Road and Zhong Xiao East Road near the train station has a lot of choices. This intersection is a large round-about and is home to a line of 5-7 outdoor gear shops where customers can browse and compare brands and prices.

For the rock climbing enthusiast, there are a few shops that have a selection.

Some of these stores have been around for many years. You can find many international brands here and also a lot of deals.

Below is a view of the line of local stores There is also a Patagonia and Metro Oasis nearby.

The sign for Zhongxiao East Road is below. Scroll down to see a map of the location. It is a 5 minute walk from the MRT and back entrance of the Taipei Train Station.

The map below is the location of the shops. If you take the MRT to Taipei Main Station, walk out Exit 7 and head east until you arrive at the traffic circle. Then take a left.
A look at some of the stores
TPSS 臺北山水 “Taibei Shan Shui” has a few stores in Taiwan. They have a great selection of all kinds of gear.

Below is the shop, “Deng Shan You” which translates as “hiking companion”. This shop has been around since 1959. They have two store fronts and sell lots of types of clothing and gear. The 2nd floor has jackets and pants and also a discount rack that you can dig through. I found great brands like Hagslof, RAB, Deuter, and Millet all on sale. This is my favorite of the Taipei outdoor gear and camping stores and I have found some great deals here.

A look a Deng Shan You from the outside.

Some of the newer shops are modern looking and carry unique brands. It is worth it to take time and browse and try on different items.

Backpacks are for sale at one of the Taipei outdoor gear and camping stores. Combined, these stores sell many of the tops brands. So , shop around.

When the winter comes, those in Taipei need a good down coat. There are many selections from RAB to Mont Bell (a Taiwan favorite), to North Face.

Camping is popular in Taiwan and there is plenty of gear to find here.

Sleeping bags hang on the rack.

Other shops in Taipei City:
#1 100 Mountain Taipei Store 百岳登山體育用品
The sister store of the Kaohsiung branch is well worth a visit if you are shopping for gear in Taipei City.
Click here for the EIT 100 Mountain Taipei Directory Page
#2 TPSS Outdoor Store Taipei City 台北山水
With locations in Taichung and Taipei City, TPSS carries many international brands not found in every shop in Taiwan. TPSS is located at the Zhong Xiao East Road and Zhong Shan North Road intersections.
Click here for the EIT TPSS Taipei Directory Page
#3 Metro Oasis Taipei 城市綠州
Metro Oasis has 15 stores in Taiwan including Taipei City. You can find cycling gear here as well. There is a shop near the Zhong Xiao East Road and Zhong Shan North Road intersection. Walk north on Zhong Shan Road for about 100 meters and it is on your rigtht.
Click here for the EIT Metro Oasis Taipei Directory Page

Decathlon has opened a few shops around Taiwan. They carry a big selection and very low prices. Decathlon is the lowest priced store for outdoor gear. HOWEVER, it really is for the occasional and casual outdoor person/athlete. The quality of the gear won’t last constant and strenuous use. But, the stores are large and there is always something there to pick up. The Taipei Decathlon is located in Neihu.
WEBSITE for TAIPEI Locations:
Google Map Link: Taipei Decathlon Map