Dadushan in Taichung used to be the place nearest to starry sky and clouds in seashore plain.You will discover how close meiren hot spring is to you! Enjoy the hot spring closest to central Taiwan. Taste the fine foods in the day, surrounded by mountains and watch the clouds to feel the breeze. In the evening, you can look up to the starry sky and look down the night view of Taichung to experience the glamorous night scene. What a delight in life!Freshfields Resort & Conference invites you to enjoy hot spring in Dadushan.Freshfields Resort & Conference is the only hot spring resort hotel in central Taiwan on Dadushan at the border of Taichung City and County. You can overlook the greater central Taiwan. Enjoy pleasant stay at Freshfields with green mountain, starry sky, morning sun, splendid night scenes, and meirun hot spring.Freshfields is only 10-minute drive from Highway and Taichung Station, Taiwan High Speed Rail. We also offer pickup serve at fixed time and locations.Your best choice for business trips, travels and vacations.
文 李南燕 - 從烏來鄉公所停車場往溫泉街的方向走,還沒過第一座橋,便已瞧見有棟全新的溫泉旅館坐落在小山丘上,居高臨下的形勢帶點「鬧中取靜」的風格。這家名為「明月溫泉」的旅館,是由老闆林茂英的老家整建而來。林茂英從小就在烏來長大,小時候最愛跑到深山裡,為的就是把檜木特有的香味聞個夠。成年後從事建築業,有了經濟能力便開始收藏檜木,從比較便宜的飄浮木開始買起。經年累月的持續收藏,他所擁有的檜木數量已多到數不清了。抱著「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」的想法,林茂英興起打造檜木溫泉旅館的念頭,於是把老家騰空,將珍藏多年的檜木搬出來打造浴池、天花板、地板、電梯、門窗除了檜木用得超豪華外,林茂英把自己多年來使用日本備長炭過濾空氣中負離子的心得,也拿出來分享泡湯客。他的在每間房間的檜木地板下,全面舖上一層備長炭,再加裝小風扇帶動氣流,讓備長炭吸收負離子。林茂英說,或許客人無法立即感受有沒有備長炭的差別,他也不刻意想證明什麼。只因為他個人使用心得發現,他的睡眠品質可以因而很不錯,因而相信客人也能睡得香甜,也正是旅館想要表現的心意。Full Moon Spa started as a family house, renovated by Mau Yin Lin into what you see today. Mau Yin Lin grew up in Wu Lai. At a young age he loved to venture deep into the mountains and enjoy the scent of the cypress trees.When he grew up he entered the construction industry and began collecting cypress wood. He stripped his house and replaced the bath tub, ceiling, floor, elevator, doors and windows with cypress wood. Apart from the luxurious feel of cypress wood, Mau Yin Lin shared his belief of using Japanese white charcoal to absorb impurities in the air and release negative ions.He placed a layer of Japanese white charcoal underneath the floors and used fans to circulate the negative ions into the air. Mau Yin Lin said, “although not all guests will appreciate the difference, I do not intend to prove anything.” From his own experience he has been sleeping better and hopes his guests will have similar experiences. This is one of the hotels many intentions.
Swan Lake is locacted in LKenting National Park is located in the southernmost tip in Taiwan. Swan Lake Villa Resort is a private villa resort complete with lakes and ecological ponds, surrounded by gardens. There are several ponds, waterfalls, and swans, mallards, mandarin ducks, Canadian wild gooses and golden Carps are playfully swimming around. The spa is surrounded to a coconut palm and flowers. There are Hydrocarbonate Solt Spring Stream SPA and Hydrocarbonate Solt Cold Spling Swimming.