Friday, September 13, 2024


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Dogpig Art Cafe Art Exhibits
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Dogpig Art Cafe Cafes / Coffee shops full of Arts & Culture. Call it a gallery , cafe or exhibition space. Definitely a place to spend some time at, but it's an art cafe, so don't expect too much. Lots of Belgium beers and snacks to choose from. Good atmosphere and funky feeling. They also have a roof area.

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07-521 2422
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Dongmen Art Museum is one of the more favored and most freqeunted Tainan museums
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東門美術館1996年8月,東門美術館創建於台灣台南,並於2005年9月在台灣台北設立展覽空間(草山東門會館),致力於推廣優質的當代藝術。東門美術館展出和推廣繪畫、雕塑、攝影錄像及新媒體等作品,希望藉由 策劃的展覽和參與重要的國際藝術活動, 推薦優質藝術家與作品,以提升東門美術館與藝術家的國際知名度。Dongmen Art Museum is one of the more favored and most freqeunted Tainan museums. First established in Tainan on August 1996 and set up Exhibition Gallery (Cao Shan Dong Men Art Museum) in Taipei Taiwan in September 2005 and has been devoted to promoting excellent modern art works for the public to enjoy. This art gallery exhibits a wide range of dispalys including sculptures, photos, new medium art works and paintings. Watch for future exhibitions and major international art festivals. to introduce excellent artists and their works as well as elevating global reputation for Licence Art Gallery and its artists. GPS:22° 59' 20.9184" N, 120° 12' 14.4324" E

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Hongye Baseball Museum is a a pretty small museum that is attached to Hongye Elementary School. It is dedicated to the young baseball players that beat a Japanese team in a friendly game in 1968. To
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Hongye Baseball Museum is a a pretty small museum that is attached to Hongye Elementary School. It is dedicated to the young baseball players that beat a Japanese team in a friendly game in 1968. To most of us, this may not mean attached to the Hongye Elementary School, and it is dedicated to the young baseball players that beat a Japanese team in a friendly game in 1968. Although this may seem like an insignificant event to most of us, due to Taiwan’s political status, this was the first time the nation of Taiwan competed on the international stage. The museum is perhaps more for those who are spending a long time in the area than the average tourist. There isn’t a lot of English, but you can see some of the primitive baseball equipment that these young aboriginal kids first trained with, and on most days you can look over the fence and spot the new class of Hongye practicing their swings and pitches on the school field.due to Taiwan’s political status, this was the first time the nation of Taiwan competed on the international stage. More on the story can be found here museum is perhaps more for those who are spending a long time in the area than the average tourist. There isn’t a lot of English, Check out primitive baseball equipment that these young aboriginal kids first tr

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(089) 561~015
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No 1, Honggu Rd, Hongye Village, Yanping Township, Taitung County
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The Keelung Aboriginal Culture Museum has multiple floors with displays of various cultural artifacts from Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes. Unfortunately, very little English information is available. The
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The Keelung Aboriginal Culture Museum has multiple floors with displays of various cultural artifacts from Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes. Unfortunately, very little English information is available. The staff are very friendly and are happy to practice their English and explain everything to foreigner visitors.The museum also holds dancing and shows on the first floor. See the exhibits of art on the second floor. Then, enjoy the beautifully decorated third and fourth floors with wood carvings, knives, costumes, and a wooden Tao (Yami) canoe. Finally, the fifth floor has a cafe and a bridge that leads to a quiet hilltop park decorated with more wooden carvings..

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+886 2 2462 0810
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No. 75, Lane 116, Zhengbin Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City +886224620810
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Museum of Contemporary Art , Taipei
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台北當代藝術館這棟建築物乃建於西元1921年,原為日治時期專供日本人子弟受教育的「建成小學校」。這棟面寬達120公尺的兩層樓建築,以亞熱帶文化的紅磚壁構與木材屋架,結合西方文明的建築柱式與黑瓦斜屋頂,加上兩側入口為山牆形式的廂廊,整體構成了U字型的校舍建築與空間。1945年後,台灣進入中華民國時代,原建成小學校舍被轉用為新成立的台北市政府辦公廳舍,直至1994年台北市政府遷入信義區仁愛路的新市政中心為止,在這段將近五十年的時間,這棟建築物扮演了驅動台北市政建設的一個神經中樞角色。1996年,台北市政府舊廈被指定為市定古蹟,並基於古蹟再利用的政策方案,將原建物之正面廳舍修復整建為「台北當代藝術館」專用,兩翼部分建築則劃歸為建成國中教室。「台北當代藝術館」與「建成國中」新校的結合,不僅創造了全世界罕見美術館與學校使用共同建物的先例,也被視為是台北市孔廟到保安宮這一條歷史文化軸線的延展,帶動了大同區整體再發展的一個新契機。從市定古蹟的台北舊市府,經活化再利用後而成立的台北當代藝術館,在國內藝術界長期的關注之下,於2001年5月26日璀璨開幕,其儼然成為台北人文地圖上的新地標。台北市這幾年來積極讓市內古蹟活起來,讓古老的空間以不同的變貌走進市民生活,進而帶動街區藝術再造,台北當代藝術館是一個實際的例子。台北當代藝術館自2001年開館以來,是由台北市政府委任民間企業家組成的當代藝術基金會負責營運統籌。其悉心致力將藝術、古蹟、科技三者相結合,呈現於台北當代藝術館這個文化空間中,辦理了多檔精采絕倫的當代藝術展覽,開拓人民的視野,也促進了不同文化、甚至不同國籍間的多層次對話。當代藝術基金會經歷二屆董事會後,於2007年12月31日與市府簽署的委任合約屆滿。故台北當代藝術館便於2008年1月1日起,交由台北市文化基金會負責營運。新的經營團隊除了依循著過去七年來當代館所凝聚的藝術動能之外,還努力於匯集更多海內外的關懷注目,並結合官方力量,有效整合各類文化創意產業。而台北當代藝術館是為台北市藝文發展的一個重要據點,將提供更具互動性且整合度強的展覽平台,以鼓勵多元風貌的藝術創作與呈現,並藉此開拓出具前瞻性的新文化思維,期能提供當代城市發動源源不絕的豐沛創意活力。The Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei is the first art institution in Taiwan dedicated exclusively to contemporary art. The museum building was originally the Jan Cheng Elementary School, established during the Japanese colonial period. In 1945, the building became the Taipei Government City Hall. After the government moved to Hsinyi District in 1994, the policy of the reuse of historical buildings prompted the old city hall to be transformed in May 2001 into the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei and Jan Cheng Junior High School. MOCA Taipei is the first museum in Taiwan to be successfully built in a historical building, and it is the only one of its kind to share the same architecture with a school.Since its inauguration, the museum has combined its historical architecture with contemporary art, entwining yesterday’s memories with today’s culture and introducing the most innovative and avant-garde visual aesthetics, media technologies, architectural design, and fashion from Taiwan and overseas. At the same time, MOCA Taipei continuously promotes artistic education and encourages the community to regard the aesthetics of everyday life. In the future, MOCA Taipei will persevere on its mission to promote and motivate multidisciplinary creativity both locally and internationally. With rich and diverse artistic performances, the museum will vigorously introduce creativity into Taipei, art into the community, and the ever evolving technology into the new life of the historical building.+886 2-2552-3721TEL +886 2-2552-3721FAX +886 2-2559-3874

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The National Palace Museum (Chinese: 國立故宮博物院 Guólì Gùgōng Bówùyuàn) is an art museum in Taipei City, Taiwan. It is the national museum of the Republic of China, and has a permanent collection of 693,507 pieces of ancient Chinese artifacts and artwork
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The National Palace Museum (Chinese: 國立故宮博物院 Guólì Gùgōng Bówùyuàn) is an art museum in Taipei City, Taiwan. It is the national museum of the Republic of China, and has a permanent collection of 693,507 pieces of ancient Chinese artifacts and artworks, making it one of the largest in the world. The collection encompasses over 8,000 years of Chinese history from the Neolithic age to the late Qing Dynasty. Most of the collection are high quality pieces collected by China's ancient emperors.The National Palace Museum and Palace Museum, located inside the Forbidden City in the People's Republic of China, share the same original roots, which was split in two as a result of the Chinese Civil War. In English, the institution in Taipei is distinguished from the one in Beijing by the additional "National" designation. In common usage in Chinese, the institution in Taipei is known as the "Taipei Gugong" (臺北故宮), while that in Beijing is known as the "Beijing Gugong" (北京故宮).Wikipedia has an excellent write-up on the museum here:

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The Pier 2 Art Center in Kaohsiung is a hub of outdoor and indoor art warehouse and museums. Its set around an old and charming unused wharf. The wharf is now named the “Yencheng Passenger Wharf“. The Pier 2 Warehouse main building was used to store
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The Pier 2 Art Center in Kaohsiung is a hub of outdoor and indoor art warehouse and museums. Its set around an old and charming unused wharf. The wharf is now named the “Yencheng Passenger Wharf“. The Pier 2 Warehouse main building was used to store sugar, but now houses different contemporary art throughout the year. The surrounding grounds are full of modern art sculptures, statues and decorated buildings. There are miles of walking paths and a cycle path that cuts through tte...Painting on wall at Pier 2. The Pier 2 Art Centre in Kaohsiung is a hub of outdoor and indoor art warehouse and museums set around an old and charming disused wharf. The wharf is now called the “Yencheng Passenger Wharf“.The main building, The Pier 2 Warehouse, was once a used to store sugar, but now houses different contemporary art throughout the year. The surrounding grounds are full of modern art sculptures, statues and decorated buildings. There are miles of walking paths and a cycle path that cuts through the art district which adds to the fresh feel of the area.Pier 2 is the best place in Kaohsiung for modern art fans, and the area is bustling with young art lovers and visitors.The district comprises of not only the Pier 2 Warehouse, but several other art galleries and museums, which are all next to each other. Some of the other galleries are currently:Super Nature Conceptual Art of Mimicry ExhibitionThe Wall Live HouseKaohsiung Museum of LabourTung Fang Institute of Technology – Shigeo Fukuda Design MuseumMechanical Art on Component StreetHighlights:Great modern art, inside and outsideScenic surroundingsClever use of previously abandoned and disused spaceTips:This is a great place to spend a half to a full day as there are so many things to admire.The exhibitions are always changing, so multiple visits are a mustThere are lots of walking paths and cycling routes around the surrounding areaP2 warehouse Beside the 3rd trench in Port of Kaohsiung. Restoration items in ventilation, structure and facilities.The largest interior area in Pier-2. High ceilings. Floor plan 1440 m²Mainly use for contemporary art, large-scale exhibition and concert. Tai-sugar C5 Warehouse Built during the Japanese era as the Tai-Sugar Warehouse Restoration in 1999Floor space approximate 580 m² For small exhibition, workshop studio and administrate office Moonlight Theater Previous Tai-Sugar warehouse.The roof has been set on fire during renovation.An intermediate space. Mainly for performance program.Outsourcing to THE WALL on 8th of May, 2010 Art Plaza Plaza between C4 and C5 building. Originally preserve for road use.An open space to public.Art market, performance and meeting place.

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09 3202 8992
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Soaring Cloud Art Center
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"Application development" Implementation Guidelines"Application" exhibition venue consent Friends of the arts on the cloudRecent ExhibitionsExhibition Preview: Application DevelopmentUnderstanding of cloudMuseum Collection: Ancestral weighing equipmentEarly ShowContemporary Museum: panic sets Ming Yan Yan Qin sound ‧ ‧ flower arrangementContemporary Gallery: mixed media works of Nien Bev

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The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park is a multifunctional park in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan.
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In 2012, the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was positioned as the “Creative Hub of Taipei”, with the objective to nurture creative talents and energy. The Park is not designed with a commercial focus, but rather, its mission is to kindle creativity and innovation and to be in synch with the interdisciplinary developmental trend observed in today’s industries. The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park is not just a platform for showcasing creativity and innovation. It strives to be a hub for inspiring and nurturing the spirits of creativity, and with the four key strategies of “Creative Lab”, “Creative Co-Op”, “Creative School”, and “Creative Showcase”, the objective is for the Park to achieve the goal of becoming Taipei’s creative hub. With the mission in mind, the Park is assertively involved in the organization of various artistic, cultural, and creativity events, which also include presentations of design, visual, and cross-disciplinary events. The activities take shape in diverse formats, including film shootings, press conferences, extended or short-term exhibitions, award ceremonies, symposiums, seminars, fashion shows, and much more. The cultural heritage site of the Park is used in multifaceted lively ways, and with its unique ambiance enhanced, the location has gradually been transformed into a new destination for cultural and creative industry endeavors in Taipei and also a new creative stage with an international focus. The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park’s mission and duties involve continual efforts in facilitating exchanges between industries and to offer support for the development of aesthetical experiences, and also promotional and marketing endeavors, which are all aimed at creating the greatest benefits from the Park’s multiple functions. Furthermore, it will also continue to organize large-scale cultural and creative events and to actualize the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park’s vision to become Taipei’s creative showcase window. With the Park’s multifunctional spaces and its multifaceted operational approach, the intention is to transform the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park into an iconic indicator for everyday aestheticism and design cognition and for the location to truly become a comprehensive multifaceted creative center.

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