Friday, September 13, 2024

Language Center

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This is the best place to learn to speak English! Message from the Director, I believe that learning a language doesn't have to be a hellish experience. I think that if you have ever felt awful because of a bad test score then something was ju
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Message from the Director, I believe that learning a language doesn't have to be a hellish experience. I think that if you have ever felt awful because of a bad test score then something was just wrong with your language learning experience. Learning a language should be feeling a language, and this can be a lot of fun. Laughter brings forth great memory. Give us a try and I am sure you will be impressed and very happy you found us. This is the best place to learn to speak English!團體諮詢 - 企業委訓(派遣) - 個人諮詢免費一小時試聽! 價格:付費方式丶任您選擇輕鬆無壓力,讓您學好英文!!可依每次丶每週丶每月付費小班制:4人開課 300/小時/每人ㄧ對一:私人涵授 800/時(可以兩人上課只要各付400/時)如何省下更多學費?您的口碑是對我們最佳的支持。每當您為【愛學】帶來一位購買集點卡的新學員及當他未 來每次購買,您都可獲得100元的折扣。感謝您讓更多人知道並體驗【愛學】!Ross ClineT 04.2310.6483C 0975.474.889

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IVY SCHOOL 長春藤美語學校 三歲至十五歲完整美式教育系統,專任外籍教師授課。 VOCABULARY TALKING IN ENGLISH 幼稚班網路教學 幼稚班的網路教學課程已經上網了,您可以透過長春藤的網站觀看錄影下來的學習課程,大班的學生請按這裡,請輸入密碼後進入網頁。中小班的學生請按這裡,請輸入密碼後進入網頁(密碼是英文教師的名字喔
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IVY SCHOOL 長春藤美語學校三歲至十五歲完整美式教育系統,專任外籍教師授課。VOCABULARY TALKING IN ENGLISH幼稚班網路教學幼稚班的網路教學課程已經上網了,您可以透過長春藤的網站觀看錄影下來的學習課程,大班的學生請按這裡,請輸入密碼後進入網頁。中小班的學生請按這裡,請輸入密碼後進入網頁(密碼是英文教師的名字喔)。若您使用的是IE瀏覽器,請將文字編碼的部份改為Unicode(UTF-8)才可以正確瀏覽網站內容。若您有任何意見,歡迎email給張老師。星期六, 七月 16, 2005長春藤網路影音教學即將開跑為提升學生學習英語的興趣,並方便在家複習,長春藤將特別開闢影音教學網站。希望藉著網站的成立,能夠提升學生的學習成效。新網站的影音格式將採用QuickTime格式,並以H.264高畫質編碼。因此,你將需要自Apple網站下載所需要的軟體才能夠觀看影片。

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KNS Language Institute has six campuses throughout Kaohsiung city, none of them more than a 15 minute scooter ride from one another. We have taken great care to ensure a pleasant learning and teaching environment, and all of our schools are well app
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KNS Language Institute has six campuses throughout Kaohsiung city, none of them more than a 15 minute scooter ride from one another. We have taken great care to ensure a pleasant learning and teaching environment, and all of our schools are well appointed with nicely designed interior space. Each branch employs anywhere from six to ten teachers, each of whom has their own classroom and their own desk space in the staff room, where teachers have access to internet ready computers, microwaves, and refrigerators. On this page, you can check out our teaching philosophy, meet our head office staff, have a look at our branch profiles, and view a real time calendar of events and scheduled holidays.Teaching PhilosophyLearning English at the elementary and high school levels has become extremely popular in Taiwan, and education in general is very competitive. Parents want to give their children every edge they can and sending them to private language schools such as ours gives them a sound foundation for developing fluency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To that end KNS seeks to provide an effective and entertaining curriculum that promotes a high level of student participation and academic achievement. It is our hope that each of our students will acquire a genuine love of learning and speaking English that will serve to enrich their lives and strengthen their potential.

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+886 7 370 6565
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Easter and summer Vacation Courses for Young Learners.Welcome to MLI International Schools. We are the leading provider of junior summer programs in Ireland. We also provide High School Programs and Teacher Development in Ireland.
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Easter and summer Vacation Courses for Young Learners.Welcome to MLI International Schools.We are the leading provider of junior summer programs in Ireland.We also provide High School Programs and Teacher Development in Ireland.MLI aims to provide a first class service in all aspects of it programmes and courses. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our programmes!Summer Courses - IrelandMLI Ireland offers a wide range of Junior Summer Centres operating a full programme consi

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09 299 79989
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No. 195 Lingya 2nd Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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New Concept Mandarin specializes in teaching Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) as a second language. Our students come from around the world - business executives and individuals that have the passion to learn from people who have the passion to teach. Ou
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New Concept Mandarin specializes in teaching Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) as a second language. Our students come from around the world - business executives and individuals that have the passion to learn from people who have the passion to teach. Our approach is based on over 20-year experience in applied linguistic research and teaching in Australia, North America, Hong Kong and China. We are popular and respected because we make the learning experience personal, practical, flexible and fun.

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800 999 6260
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Robert's American Schoolwas founded in 2004 with a commitment to teach English to young learners by using an American teaching approach. Our main school is in the Tsoying District of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with an additional school in the plannin
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Robert's American Schoolwas founded in 2004 with a commitment to teach English to young learners by using an American teaching approach. Our main school is in the Tsoying District of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with an additional school in the planning stage. Drawing from over 15 years of teaching experience in Taiwan and the United States, Robert designed a curriculum that demonstrates a fusion of an American Elementary Reading Program tailored for the Chinese ESL learner. Robert's vision is to change the perception and style in which the English language is taught to young learners abroad. The curriculum and instruction aims to develop enthusiastic and independent learning that emphasizes student creativity and the assessment of independent skills. Utilizing a complete and comprehensive English program, coupled with materials designed for native speakers, students gain a solid foundation in reading, vocabulary recognition, writing, and speaking, enabling them to apply these skills from a young age through adulthood.中美.美語學苑(Robert's American School)成立於2004,創校宗旨為希望經由美式課程及教學方式來教授學童用另一種不同的方法來學習英文的學校。目前我們的總校設立於高雄市左營區,而我們也正在積極的籌設其他分校的成立。 擁有超過15年在台灣及美國英語教學經驗的Robert老師特別針對台灣學童設計了一套融合了美國國小英文閱讀課程及台灣英文教育模式的英語學習課程,Robert老師希望藉由這套他所設計的課程可以改變以往大家對於英文學習一貫的想法與模式,利用這套專為美國當地學生設計的英語閱讀課程來訓練學生的理解力並培養其創造力及獨立思考能力,以提高小朋友對學習英文的興趣與熱忱。這套課程會幫助小朋友中美美語英語補習班高雄市 - 英文補習班在閱讀、字彙、寫作、以及口語能力方面建立一個非常紮實穩定的基礎,並能在日後將其靈活運用。 另外,中美特地提供了台灣國小1 – 4年級的安親課輔服務,如,到校接回、於中美用餐、午休、課輔等服務。每一位中文課輔老師都具有非常豐富的經驗,以負責完成,並教授小朋友國小的課業為主,以減輕家長的辛勞。

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Study More Chinese is a free online community of Mandarin language learners. Users can share tips, discussions, writes blogs & share movies. The idea is to keep motivated because Chinese is a diffic
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Study More Chinese is a free online community of Mandarin language learners. Users can share tips, discussions, writes blogs & share movies. The idea is to keep motivated because Chinese is a difficult language & people need support to learn.

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One of the benefits of studying at TLI is the flexibility. Students may choose to study one-on-one or in small groups, and may choose their own schedules. Also TLI publishes its own textbooks from which students can choose, or they can work with the
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One of the benefits of studying at TLI is the flexibility. Students may choose to study one-on-one or in small groups, and may choose their own schedules. Also TLI publishes its own textbooks from which students can choose, or they can work with the school to develop a personalized curriculum. Mandarin, Taiwanese, and cultural courses are offered. As well, office or home study is available (NT850 per hour plus teachers travel fee for longer distances). For classes at the school, tuition ranges from NT150 per hour per student for five or more students studying at least 10 hours a week to NT 380 per hour a one-on-one classes.

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Tel:(886-7) 215-2965
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UKEAS - UK education for overseas students wanting to study abroad. A UK education service for all levels.
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UKEAS - United Kingdom Education ServiceUKEAS is a British run company offering FREE, the highest quality service to all international students from preparing their application until they complete their studies. The business was founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 1993, and has helped thousands of students to study at the UK. More..Staff has more than 50 years experience helping fully comprehensive, impartial and FREE service to Taiwan students wanting to study at an England universities in the UK. We are efficient, but also being friendly.Comprehensive backup services for Taiwan students during study in the UK. Full time office in the UK to help with ongoing applications or emergency.Placed students in almost every University in the UK - Provide seminars on "How to Study in the British Education System" IELTS support including libraries of IELTS materials for students to borrow.

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02-2370 9780
Business Address
台北市重慶南路一段121號 3F-19

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