Thursday, February 13, 2025

Robert’s American School

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Robert's American Schoolwas founded in 2004 with a commitment to teach English to young learners by using an American teaching approach. Our main school is in the Tsoying District of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with an additional school in the plannin
Long Business Description

Robert's American Schoolwas founded in 2004 with a commitment to teach English to young learners by using an American teaching approach. Our main school is in the Tsoying District of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with an additional school in the planning stage. Drawing from over 15 years of teaching experience in Taiwan and the United States, Robert designed a curriculum that demonstrates a fusion of an American Elementary Reading Program tailored for the Chinese ESL learner. Robert's vision is to change the perception and style in which the English language is taught to young learners abroad. The curriculum and instruction aims to develop enthusiastic and independent learning that emphasizes student creativity and the assessment of independent skills. Utilizing a complete and comprehensive English program, coupled with materials designed for native speakers, students gain a solid foundation in reading, vocabulary recognition, writing, and speaking, enabling them to apply these skills from a young age through adulthood.中美.美語學苑(Robert's American School)成立於2004,創校宗旨為希望經由美式課程及教學方式來教授學童用另一種不同的方法來學習英文的學校。目前我們的總校設立於高雄市左營區,而我們也正在積極的籌設其他分校的成立。 擁有超過15年在台灣及美國英語教學經驗的Robert老師特別針對台灣學童設計了一套融合了美國國小英文閱讀課程及台灣英文教育模式的英語學習課程,Robert老師希望藉由這套他所設計的課程可以改變以往大家對於英文學習一貫的想法與模式,利用這套專為美國當地學生設計的英語閱讀課程來訓練學生的理解力並培養其創造力及獨立思考能力,以提高小朋友對學習英文的興趣與熱忱。這套課程會幫助小朋友中美美語英語補習班高雄市 - 英文補習班在閱讀、字彙、寫作、以及口語能力方面建立一個非常紮實穩定的基礎,並能在日後將其靈活運用。 另外,中美特地提供了台灣國小1 – 4年級的安親課輔服務,如,到校接回、於中美用餐、午休、課輔等服務。每一位中文課輔老師都具有非常豐富的經驗,以負責完成,並教授小朋友國小的課業為主,以減輕家長的辛勞。

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