Thursday, February 13, 2025

AhANiSAN 泰北料理

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AhANiSAN 泰北料理
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AhANiSAN泰北料理 Parking available. Chinese/English menu. made with traditional cooking techniques such as pounding, grinding, stir-frying, grilling, sun-drying and pickAccording to owner Cai Xu-hao, the tastiest, most authentic northern Thai cuisine can be found in the night markets and vendors of Thailand's Isan region, and he is more than happy to share these unique flavors with Taichung residents. A la carte entrees are NT$80 to NT$300 and set meals are NT$388 here. Business lunch sets (NT$149) are only available during weekdays. --By Niang Chen, translated by Angel PuThe friendly owner enjoys introducing his authentic brand of northern Thai cuisine.無刷卡、不收服務費、特約停車場、有英文菜單來自泰北原住民的食材、接近原味烹調,熱愛泰國菜的蔡旭豪老闆表示其實道地好吃的泰北料理,大部分來自isan當地的夜市、路邊攤,親切庶民的味道,分享給台中人,單點80~300元,精緻套餐388元,另有週一至五提供給上班族的商業午餐149元。 --陳妮昂/文, 卜安婕/譯A. 熱情的蔡老闆,將泰北料理介紹給大家。B. 精緻套餐388元。包括開胃菜三品、青菜、副菜(打拋類、咖哩類、辣炒類任選一)、主菜(綠椰漿、咖哩、辣炒、海鮮火鍋任選一)、飲料、白飯、手工蝦丸湯、椰奶水果冰。C. 凍央大蝦鍋300元、水果炸魚260元、瀑布牛肉250元。食材簡單、天然調味,幾乎無鹽無醋的功夫菜佐魚露、蝦醬,以原住民垂打、研磨、拌炒、火烤、日曬、醃漬的手法,料理出天然的美味佳餚。

Business Phone Number
(04) 2329-9329
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