Rue du Vin“Rue du Vin” literally translates from French as “street of wine.” In Kaohsiung, Rue du Vin is a newly opened wine shop with an entire second floor dedicated to wine tasting. All the wines are imported directly from France, selected by Jean-François and his Taiwanese wife, Kanny who has worked for wineries in the Loire Valley region of France.At Rue du Vin, particular attention is given to discovering beautifully crafted estate wines with limited productions. All of them are organic.法國葡萄酒進口、專賣。2F的品酒區提供單杯葡萄酒的品飲,同時還會有品酒教學和各種與葡萄酒相關的活動。Rue du Vin 醇酒街, 是進口代理商也是專賣店,這裡的酒全部由法國原裝進口。同時多為有機酒莊,因為唯有透過天然的栽種和釀造,才能完整展現各地葡萄酒的特色及風味。透過法國老闆親自精挑細選,把一些在國際上知名但對大家較為陌生的葡萄品種、產區引進台灣。位於高雄的門市除了1F的專賣店,2F還有一個品酒空間,歡迎對葡萄酒有興趣的朋友來坐坐喔。