Yes Pub Kaohsiung

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Yes Party is the place to see beautiful girls and man power. Live shows with talented acts from men and women live on stage. Pole Dancing and entertainment all night.
Long Business Description

Yes Party is the place to see beautiful girls and man power. live shows with talented acts from men and women live on stage. Pole Dancing with so many sexy Taiwanese, Thai, Pinay girls and also, the most beautiful Russian dancers, and handsome man power men for your hungry eyes performing many styles of live stage performances. Your night with a group of friends can include cabaret style shows, upbeat tunes and a large video screen for your viewing pleasure. Yes bar is always lively every night of the week and is very foreigner friendly.Say "yes, let's party tonight" with pole dancing in Kaohsiung with a wide selection of cool drinks, live stage acts, and a variety of delicious foods as you feast your eyes on sexy girls in Kaohsiung. Live show Kaohsiung entertainment that is always being updated with fresh acts. Class act entertainment from singing dancing to pole dancing. Exotic performances from all over the world! Amazing decor with a very spacious stage, mood lighting and comfortable booth seating throughout this strip bar. Watch for special performances and Yes Pub. View some off the hook live magic and stage shows in the months to come. Don't forget to visit our sister club in Tainan called S-Party for even more experienced and talented women from around the globe, pole dancing, live shows, and more!座落於高雄市中心鄰近城市光廊、新崛江等鬧區的YES-PUB鋼管表演秀&頗具大高雄代表性地標六合觀光夜市附近的 勁爆搖滾啤酒美食館,是全國首創第一家多元化複合式餐飲業,除提供精緻餐飲、美食佳餚外,秀場節目更是南台灣赫赫有名。 勁爆搖滾啤酒美食館更結合YES-PUB的經營方針推出了最符合大眾消費的多元化硬體設施,場內除秀場觀賞區外,附設KTV包廂設備,看秀之餘亦可選擇免費歡唱一整晚的享受,還可邀請桌服人員(TALKING-GIRL)美媚…陪您一同歡唱;除此之外,場內還附設一區DISCO舞池,提供想跳舞的朋友一展身手,無論是看秀、跳舞、唱歌、飲酒、聊天皆一手包辦。

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