LerPing CafeLerPing Cafe, Pasta kaohsiung, western food,T where can I find good pasta in kaohsiungLerPing Cafe Pasta Western FoodBetween BoAi and FuGuo, south of MingHwa and North of MingChen Restaurants, Taiwanese Description: 11:00~23:00, DRINKS Alcohol Drinks Juice Smoothies Snack Light Meals, Salad, Sandwich & Waffle, Pasta (Spaghetti)Cheese Baked (Rice or Noodle) HOT POTS served with a drink. Sa-Sa-gee-twei 莎莎雞腿套餐 is recommended.MenuPersonal Set of Chef’s Recommendation(Mon~Sun 11:30~14:00 17:30~21:00)莎莎雞腿(Sa-Sa-gee-twei) Chicken Leg with Salsa Sauce$240蜂蜜芥末起士豬排 Honey Mustard Cheese Pork$210泰式檸檬魚(鱈魚) Thai-style Lemon Fish (Codfish)$260樹子蒸鱈魚 Chinese-style Steamed Codfish$260煎魚套餐 Fried Fish(Mackerel) Set$280(每日限量)深海魚湯鍋套餐 Boiled Fish(Codfish) Pot Set$300(每日限量)牛排套餐 Short Rib Steak $420單點$320需等25分(need to wait for 25 min.) 建議先預訂(call reserved suggested)套餐均附甜點及附餐飲料 All served with Rice, soup, dessert and a drink另單點飲料可享半價優惠Additional drink price 50% off(non-alcohol)(Host-drinks are listed in last page)樂品商業午餐 Eco-Set $150 (Mon~Fri 11:30~15:00)泰式打拋豬肉(辣) Thai-style Spice Pork白酒蛤蜊義大利麵 White Wine Boiled with Basil and Clam Spaghetti海陸鍋燒 意麵/手工拉麵/冬粉Seafood and Pork Noodle(素)田園蔬菜拉麵 Veggie Noodle Soup (Vegetarian’s)均附餐飲料 All served with a drink.另單點飲料可享半價優惠Additional drink price 50% off(non-alcohol)(附餐飲料在最後一頁)(Host-drinks are listed in last page)火鍋系列 Hot Pot (供餐時間:11:00-22:00) 本店湯頭採用白甘蔗熬煮,不加味精。義式蕃茄風味鍋 Tomato Hot Pot ( Pork/ Beef/ Mutton/ Seafood )$260補氣黃金蜆土雞腿鍋 Corbicula and Chicken Legs Boiled Hot Pot$280香醇牛奶什錦鍋 Milk Hot Pot ( Pork/ Beef/ Mutton/ Seafood )$280海鮮起司濃湯鍋 Creamy Cheese Seafood Hot Pot (Rice/ Noodle/ Toast)$240泡菜什錦鍋 Kim Chi Hot Pot ( Pork/ Beef/ Mutton/ Seafood )$250什錦火鍋 Combo Hot Pot ( Pork/ Beef/ Mutton/ Seafood )$230素食蔬菜什錦鍋 Veggie Combo Hot Pot(Vegetarian’s)$220火鍋附白飯或冬粉ˋ附餐飲料ˋ甜點Hot Pot all serve with Rice or Bean Noodle, One Drink and Dessert.(附餐飲料在最後一頁)(Host-drinks are listed in last page)另單點飲料可享半價優惠Additional drink price 50% off(non-alcohol)焗烤飯ˋ麵食類Cheese Baked (Rice or Noodle) (供餐時間:11:00-22:30)焗烤咖哩雞肉 (飯/麵) Cheese-baked with Chicken a