Witch House Coffee Shop, Cafe & Restaurant

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Short Business Description
The Witch House is located in the Gongguan District near the Taiwan University a cosy cultural coffee-shop cafe style restaurant which features more than you can expect from just reading its name.
Long Business Description

The Witch House......is a cosy cultural coffee-shop-restaurant near Taiwan University which features more than you can expect from just reading its name.By the way, ?Witch? has to be understood not as an ugly old woman who uses you as her guinea-pig, but ?Witch? depicts here a ?Woman with certain powerful energies? - the dream of every woman and man...Witch House RulesNo outside foodOpening HoursSunday to Wednesday 11am - 12pmThursday to Saturday 11am - 1am 捷運:綠線公館站請走3號(台灣大學)出口,出站右轉沿校園圍牆走約30公尺遇新生南路右轉,再走150公尺,途經3個紅綠燈,在第三個紅綠燈處過馬路,此巷即為56巷,再兩步右手邊就是啦!

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
02-2362 5494

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