Bossa Nova is unique and a popular retreat for Kaohsiung people looking for a fast and affordable set meal and other feature dishes. This long standing Kaohsiung restaurant has a fresh look and good servive with a nice selection on it's menu. Bossa No has 5 locations and one in Kenting. Hope to see you out there enjoying your dining in Kaohsiung tonight experience.巴沙諾瓦卡布里風情館(四維店) 中午吃飽飯後跑去唱歌,又吃又喝一路玩下來,人其實不會覺得餓。不過出來時已經是晚餐時間,不吃點東西又會覺得晚一點可能會餓,想起巴沙諾瓦系列在四維路新開了間店還沒來過,便提議要來這家吃東西兼看看。 卡布里島(Capri)是義大利拿波里