We all know it. Regardless of what is being said or taught, we love our fast food. Sometimes it may be because we are in a real hurry—that is after all how the name fast-food came to be, is it not. But often enough we want this food simply because it tastes good and isn’t as expensive as, well, non fast food. Hudson Hamburger And Sandwiches is a place that serves exactly what its name says. The menu consists of hamburgers, bagels, sandwiches, pasta gratin or pasta rice.Recommended and affordable dishes: June 2010:Cheese Ham Submarine Sandwich - NT$75Classic Italian Meat Sauce Pasta - NT$148Black Pepper Beef Hamburger - NT$95我們將在 7/2 (五) 正式開幕嘍~現場餐點將會特價供應! 貝果 漢堡 三明治 甚至是義大利麵 期望各位的大駕光臨! 我們在 台中市五權路370之2號 來店消費不限金額 依人數贈送50元咖啡折價眷(不限咖啡品項)