Foot Massage Center Tianmu Branch attracts dancers from the Original Irish Dance Show and the dancers from the Gaelforce Dance are crazy about the Chinese traditional foot massage. Foot Massage Center Tianmu Branch is the only health & massage center built in a villa with 6 Star holiday atmosphere.The fine Foot Massage Center chain steps into Taipei’s Tianmu District not only to provide their services to the local residents but also to bring the foot massage experiences to the foreigners in Taiwan as Tiamu District is the center of the foreign population in Taipei City. Today the dancers from the Original Irish Dance Show pay their second visit to the foot massage this time at the Foot Massage Center Tianmu Branch after having finished 2 shows at the Taipei International Convention Center, giving their feet a relaxation treatment after the performances.Foot Massage Center - 6星集足體養身會館The fine Foot Massage Center chain steps into Taipei's Tianmu District not only to provide their services to the local residents but also to bring the foot 緣起(使命感) 在社會高度發展,競爭相形激烈的今日,各種文明病應聲而起,一如憂鬱、躁鬱,過勞等皆充斥在您我身邊,因而如何保養身心,維護健康,便成為現代人不可忽略的重要課題。然而反觀時下,保健養身的方法琳琅滿目,不勝枚舉,但什麼方法能確實發揮效用,又不會散盡家財或勞心勞力呢?這個問題著實傷透您我的腦筋!有鑑於此,六星集股份有限公司集合了眾多人力、物力,針對現代人健康的問題展開研究,並站在您我的立場,用心推敲,細心規劃,終於在2005年初推出了「六星集足體養身會館」,以中國數千年的養身之道-腳底按摩及全身經脈推拿,結合耗資數千萬的頂極裝潢與設備,徹底顛覆傳統對按摩、推拿的既定形象,讓您我安心又輕鬆地達到養身的功效!