This Taichung bar is a favorite place to hang out and sing. Live Music House Niu's Bar Taichung. Come sing with the famous music producer "Taco" Daka Niu. 紐大可.紐吧. Nice and soothing atmosphere and great people. Visit this wonderful live music bar in Taichung and sing with this big hearted person, his friends or friendly Taiwanese.在西屯路接近民權路香榭飯店旁人稱“鈕 爸”的音樂人紐大可開了一家與名字諧音的酒吧。招牌上寫著斗大的–Oldies But Goodies music & more foods and drinks進入室內以黑色為基調的擺設,配上1960~1989的西洋老歌與爵士音樂,讓人一進店內就覺得無比輕鬆。打開酒單,酒品種類十分齊全,威士忌3,500元.左右(瓶)250.左右(杯)白蘭地、伏特加、蘭姆酒、龍舌蘭、紅(白)酒、調酒都有。嘴饞了也有很多的下酒菜可以解饞,建議您試試宮保雞柳180元。適中的辣度,鮮嫩多汁的雞柳條,絕對有五星級飯店的水準,不愧是台北請來的師父。其他的菜色就要您自己親自去品嘗其中奧妙。鈕吧還有一點很特殊的就是手切冰塊,只要喝威士忌,使用不一樣的手切冰塊,讓您在喝威士忌時質感馬上升級。喜歡爵士的朋友這裡真的很適合你。Brandy-Vodka-Gin. Buy a whole bottle, cork it and have it ready for you the next time you arrive.